
Damian Słuja
CEO & Co-Founder

Experienced entrepreneur in IT sector. More than 10 years of experience in HR industry. He Co-founded BaseConnect - recruitment tool which has been successfuly used by such companies like UBER, AON, IBM, AmerSport, Capgemini and many more. In 2015 he received an award “Newcomer of the year” in the nationwide business competition The Magellan's Laurels. Privately passionate about new technologies (AI, Python), martial arts, golf and space.

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Michał Rogowski
CTO & Co-Founder

Worked for a decade as professional rubyist, IT enthusiast since primary-school. In his work and after-hours he explores world of technology, teaches others and solves the most complex coding issues. Likes working with big data sets and distributed architectures. Good father, loving husband, zouk dancer & bicyclist.



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