For Recruiters

After researching more than 100 recruiters, 80% of them mentioned that typical job boards and networking sites do not bring the expected results in IT recruitment.

RaiBay gives you access to a curated pool of talented developers willing to join a new adventure. Don't lose your time on sourcing and filtering. Be notified each day 24/7 about IT candidates open for new opportunities.


How it works

Step 1 - Define your open positions and receive list with active candidates. link.

Step 2 - Send job proposals to suitable candidates and ask extra questions.

Step 3 - Run the interview process and present final offer to the right fit.

Step 4 - Employment - Sign aggreement with new emploee


Top RaiBay Benefits choosen by our clients

  • Recruit top engineering talent in Poland, We carefully review every single application to ensure we introduce the best candidates based on their skills and motivation.
  • Get in touch directly with any candidate you like. Our candidate response rate is 95%
  • Access is free. No upfront cost. No risk.
  • Access 24/7 to a fresh shortlist of IT candidates looking to join a new companies.

Other benefits

  • Reach active candidates experienced in top Startups and Companies
  • Stop wasting time interviewing unqualified candidates
  • Any offers you make are non-binding, the developers can decide who they want to interview with based on your offer
  • Pitch your company to candidates ready to start a new job
  • Our platform is the fastest way to recruit a developer (on each experience level, from junior to senior).


What Companies think about RaiBay

Pawel Tymczyna, Chief Executive Officer – BI Architects

"Do RaiBay dołączyłem we wtorek 22 maja i już tego samego dnia wysłałem propozycję do 3 kandydatów z listy. Dwójka kandydatów była zainteresowana z czego finalnie po interview podpisaliśmy umowę z jednym kandydatem - Senior PHP Developerem.  RaiBay znacznie oszczędza czas, a co najważniejsze pieniędze przy rekrutacji osób do zespołu! Na pewno będziemy jeszcze korzystać z narzędzia."

Kamil Zientarski, Recruitment Team Leader - Intive

"Korzystamy z platformy RaiBay od kilku miesięcy i przez ten czas udało nam się nawiązać współpracę z dwoma specjalistami tam znalezionymi. RaiBay to przydatne dodatkowe narzędzie rekrutacyjne o przejrzystym interfejsie i niezłej responsywności kandydatów."


FAQ for Companies  >> click here

Please get in touch with us if you have any other questions: [email protected].

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